Sunday, March 2, 2008

Saying no!

"DARE is a wonderful program that allows students to learn safely and comfortably about drugs and violence."

Situation 1:

Josh was playing catch with Todd when Jeremy and Riley came over. "Hey sticks" Riley said coming closer. "What do you want?" Todd asked. "I bet you chickens are too sacred to take one of these," Jeremy said, holding out a case of cigarettes. "Uh...actually..." Josh said, looking at his feet. "Hmm...maybe some other time," Todd agreed. "We're kinda busy..." the both said. Riley and Jeremy exchanged glances. "Yeah, okay sure, maybe some other time!" Jeremy said in a mocking voice.

1. Who gave the best answer, Todd, or Josh?
2. What should they have done after they were offered tobacco?
3. Why did they say no?
4. Were they confident, in answering?

Thoughts and feelings:

Todd: I know I should say no, and cigarettes are bad, but they will tell everyone at school I'm a chicken, and plus, how much harm could it do? They're only like two inches long!
Josh: No way! I will never take one! But how can I tell them no? They might beat me up!

What would you say to Todd?
What would you say to Josh?
What would you say to Riley?
What would you say to Jeremy?

Think about it, put the answers in a comment, and if you get them right, you will be announced! NOTE: You must get them ALL right!!!