Friday, March 21, 2008

So much for that

Well, I'm quitting my blog. Because someone found out who I REALLY am, and no one treats me the same since they know. And yes, I DO know Gem. She goes to my school. I don't really live in Colson Kentucky. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you who I was up front, but when I had my other blog, people were mean to me, when I never did anything. I don't want it to be the same now. I am Tori, also on Kelly's blog, and I play Softball, Soccer, Basketball, Ice Skate, Tennis, and I love running. Anyway, I quit

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Exercise inside?

Exercising inside, hmm...good idea, except, I don't have a tredmill (well I do, but you might not), or any other type of exercise equipment. How the heck do I exercise, "inside" and why should I waste my valuable time on "getting fit?"
Well, here's why you should. You may be wasting your valuable time, but if don't exercise, it will come back to haunt you in the end. And plus, you don't need "equipment" to exercise! Run around the house (if your mom lets you, and if you are careful) and get some energy! Jump around, ahve some fun, jump rope in the basement, do whatever you want to! Just have fun!

P.S. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, busy me, I have a friend over or am at practice almost everyday! Lol, I actually just got home from swim practice an hour or two ago!! =)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

More of me

Since this blog is dedicated to exercise, health, awarness, safety, and things like that, you don't know much about me, at all. I am tall, have long dirty blone hair and freckles. My hair is wavy, and usually in a pony tail. My eyes are forest green. My feckles are everywhere on my face, and well, just a mess. I love all animals. Elephants are my favorite animal though. I have the cutest stuffed elephant name Ellie. She is adorable and I have had her since I was a baby. I live in a small town called Colson. It is in Kentucky. I am sure you have never heard of it before, probably not. Everything I said on my other blog was untrue. I made that one with my friend Abby and then we lost all the info we wrote down. Anyway, I have three huskies, Kuto the gray one, Milly the black one, and Shasta the brown one. They are all so sweet! Kuto is the only boy though. I have one cat,he is an orange tiger cat and his name is Miles. We got him at the same time we got Milly, so we named them similar things. My best friends name is Abby, and my other friends (well some of them, the closest ones) are as follows: Lexa, Katlyn, Haly, Anna, Rose, and Sarah. I have so many other friends, but these are just the girls in my group. Here are their profiles: Lexa, smart, blond, sporty; Katlyn, gorgeous, funny, SO FAST; Haly, cute, shy, great advice; Anna, loud, sporty, nice; ABBY, funny, nice, smart, cool, sporty.

Sports and Stats

Now everyone knows that sports are energetic right? Well just how active are they? What one gets you most active? Which should you try first? Why should you choose one over the other? And most of all, which sport is easiest? Well in this post, you will learn.

Involves: Running, throwing, catching, batting, good sportsmanship
Energizing factors: If you are a good hitter, then your ball will go far and you will run all the bases, that gets you even more active.
Main factor: Catching and throwing
Negatives: Coaches often keep the weak players on the bench for fear of them striking out, and they may not get as much of a chance when it comes to batting, and may get the worst positions, therefore, making them less supportive of their team/coach

Invloves: Running, dribbling, hand-eye coordination, shooting, passing, picks, plays
Energizing factors: Each time the opposite team gets the ball, players must run to the other end of the court, thus making them run more and be more active
Main factor: Running
Negatives: If a player is not a good shooter, they may not be motivated and wanting to play, if a player is not fast, they will not be down and back and across the court fast enough to be in the action

Invloves: Running, kicking, scoring, foot power, blocking, coordination
Energizing factors: Passing gets the ball down the feild and to the goal faster, therefore players will be more motivated to pass to each other
Main factor: Running
Negatives: Tis is a low scoring game and if the other team gets a big lead, it is very hard to catch up

There are so many other sports out there, try them all until you find one you love! Personally I love softball (that's why I put it first) and think it is a great sport. Keep checking back here to see if any new sports were featured in "Sports and Stats!"

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Animal Safety 2

Everyone (well almost everyone) loves animals, or at least likes them. And meeting new animals seems fun, but you should be cautious! My cousins have a German Shepard, and one day two girl walked up to them while they were walking the German Shepard. The dog growled, and nearly bit the girls. If the dog had bitten them, my Aunt and Uncle would be very liable for charge, and would probably have to have paid those little girls parents a lot of money! But still, they would have gotten hurt very badly! Though most dogs are not vicous, you don't know where an animal might come from, or how they might be treated. So you should always be careful. Look the dog over, and ask the owner if it bites. DO NOT LOOK IT IN THE EYES OR GET IN THE DOG'S FACE!! You always have to be very careful when approaching a strange dog. And unless the owner is there, it is on a leash, and the owner gives you permission to pat it, you shouldn't approach any strange dogs.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Saying no!

"DARE is a wonderful program that allows students to learn safely and comfortably about drugs and violence."

Situation 1:

Josh was playing catch with Todd when Jeremy and Riley came over. "Hey sticks" Riley said coming closer. "What do you want?" Todd asked. "I bet you chickens are too sacred to take one of these," Jeremy said, holding out a case of cigarettes. "Uh...actually..." Josh said, looking at his feet. "Hmm...maybe some other time," Todd agreed. "We're kinda busy..." the both said. Riley and Jeremy exchanged glances. "Yeah, okay sure, maybe some other time!" Jeremy said in a mocking voice.

1. Who gave the best answer, Todd, or Josh?
2. What should they have done after they were offered tobacco?
3. Why did they say no?
4. Were they confident, in answering?

Thoughts and feelings:

Todd: I know I should say no, and cigarettes are bad, but they will tell everyone at school I'm a chicken, and plus, how much harm could it do? They're only like two inches long!
Josh: No way! I will never take one! But how can I tell them no? They might beat me up!

What would you say to Todd?
What would you say to Josh?
What would you say to Riley?
What would you say to Jeremy?

Think about it, put the answers in a comment, and if you get them right, you will be announced! NOTE: You must get them ALL right!!!