Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Say no

This blig us not only about being fit, it's about how to say no to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and flat out bad things. How to avoid peer pressure, and stand up for yourself. Notice the "health" part of the blog title. So here are some situations and some choices, thoughts, and feelings of the people involved. NOTE: These are made up and not about anyone in particular!

Situation 1:
Laura and her friend Judy were walking down the street when their friend Carl called them over to an ally, where he and a few other boys from school were standing. Jimmy, one of the boys there, said, "Hey, we have some beer we stole from our parents, want to try some?" The girls exchanged glances, these were their feelings and thoughts

Laura: Eww! That is so gross! And I know alcohol is so bad for you! But then again, they don't seem to be affected by it...but wait! What would my parents say if they found out?
Laura's feelings: Confused, unwanting of the beer, but tempted still.
Judy: Ohh Jimmy is SO cute! If I don't do it, I'll look like a dork, and he'll never like me!But what about Laura? What does she think? I know alcohol is bad an all, but it doesn't seem to matter to them...
Judy's feelings: EXTREMELY tempted, giggley over Jimmy, wonderous...

What do you think they did? Did they take the offer or not? Should they take it? What are some things that could happen to them if they do? Well, what would you do? Think about it...

Situation 2:
Kyle and Luke were at basketball practice when a Lily, a friend, came up and asked them, "Hey guys, the store down the road is having a whisky sale, and Chad's brother said he'd buy us some, wanna come?" The boys wondered what to do, then Lily told them, "Chad's brother is an awesome b-ball player, and he said it was all because of the alcohol, you want to be good, don't you?" The boys wondered, their feelings and thoughts are below:

Kyle: Well you know, Chad's bro is really good! Maybe it's true, I don't know much about whisky, but it doesn't seem harmful...I wonder if I took just a sip...would it really be that bad? I mean come on, it's just a drink, people take it all the time...
Kyle's feelings: Trying to convice himself to do it, pretty confident, but still wondering

Luke: Oh great! Lily is nice and so is Chad! And they're popular! This is my chance! And it's only a little bit! Maybe that will make them like me! And if Chad's bro did it before! But then again, it could destroy my liver and make me really sick! Oh this is tough...
Luke's feelings: unsure, wonderous, tempted, adventurous

See how tough some situations can be? I know a lot of you think, "Hey it's easy to say no!" But have you ever been in that position? Probably not, but you will. And yeah, it is easy to say no, but you have to support your reasons, and make sure you mean what you say. Be confident, and remember what things like that can do to you.