Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Animal Safety

Everyone loves animals right? Wrong. Very wrong. Some people treat animals horribly. If anyone witnesses this, or knows of someone doing this to any animals, you need to tell someone who will do something right away! Here are some situations that could happen, but again, are not based on anyone, or any real life events.

Situation 1:
While at her friend Molly' house, Carly saw Molly's dad pick Snickers, their puppy, up by the scruff, and throw him down the stairs! Molly didn't seem to care, though she did notice. Carly asked him why he did that, and he said, "Tell anyone and Molly and you won't ever be together again! Hear me?" Carly didn't know what to do! Molly was her best friend, but Snickers, the poor puppy! What should she do?

Carly's choice and reasons: Carly told her parents, and they told the authorities, and Snickers was saved. She told because she knew Molly would forgive her, and realize it was the right thing to do, and Snickers would not be hurt ever again!

Now if anything like this ever happens to you or a friend, you need to tell IMIDIETLY!!!! Waiting is the worst thing to do. Who knows, if you don't do it, the animal could die the second you decide not to tell, and if you do tell, that might have saved its life.